Title: Spicy Chicken and Vegan Skewers: A Delicious and Easy Recipe for Your Next BBQ
Are you looking for a delicious and simple recipe to spice up your next BBQ? Look no further than these spicy skewers! Whether you prefer real chicken or a plant-based substitute, these skewers are sure to please.
For the chicken version, simply cut boneless, skinless chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces and thread them onto soaked wooden skewers. Then, whisk together a mixture of hot sauce, honey, garlic powder, salt, and pepper, and brush it onto the skewers. Grill them for 6-8 minutes per side until they're cooked through and lightly charred.
For the vegan version, use a vegan chicken meat substitute such as Beyond Meat or Gardein. Cut the vegan chicken into bite-sized pieces and thread them onto soaked wooden skewers. Then, whisk together a mixture of hot sauce, maple syrup, garlic powder, salt, and pepper, and brush it onto the skewers. Grill them for 6-8 minutes per side until they're heated through and lightly charred.
Both versions of these skewers are delicious and easy to make. The chicken version is a classic BBQ dish with a spicy twist, while the vegan version is a great plant-based option that's just as flavorful and satisfying. Plus, both versions are a great source of protein and will impress your guests with their bold flavors.
If you're looking to spice up your next BBQ, give these spicy chicken and vegan skewers a try. Your taste buds and your guests will thank you!